Web links - Homepages of specific vehicle types and clubs |
"Die Gurkthalbahn" - an austrian narrow gauge line's homepage, with Frank Grünewald's pictures: http://www.gurkthalbahn.at/ |
Berliner Eisenbahnfreunde - Heidekrautbahn http://www.berliner-eisenbahnfreunde.de/download.html |
Traditionsverein Kleinbahn des Kreises Jerichov I e.V. (pictures of Andreas Wilhelm) http://www.kj-1.de/ |
The homepage Baureihe 111 has some train drawings with the german 111 electric engine http://www.baureihe111.de/ |
Mittelweserbahn - pictures on the fan pages http://www.mittelweserbahn.de |
The page "Drehstromloks" has mostly drawings from Hans Schrimpf to illustrate the german engines with alternating current technology http://www.br146.de/indexj.htm |
Interessengemeinschaft S-Bahn München http://www.igsbahn-muenchen.de/ |
ET420 Online http://www.et420-online.de/einstieg.html |
The page Tram-Munchen.de has drawings of tramways in Munich http://www.tram-muenchen.de/ |
The "Südbergische Eisenbahngesellschaft" is a model railway community. http://www.sbeg.de/ |
Tramclub Basel http://www.tramclub-basel.ch/ |
Verband der Eisenbahnfreunde, Wien - Tramways form Viena, trains from Austria http://www.vef.at/ |
Tramways of Vieanna and the Badner Bahn http://www.tramways.at/ |
Waldeisenbahn Muskaue. e.V. - Torsten Scheinert draws the vehicles of the Club and other narrow gauge vehicles http://www.waldeisenbahn.de |
The page of the FSR has some vehicle drawings with phantasy livery - advertising the FSR itself. http://www.fsr-verkehr.de/services/down_gimmicks.htm |
Werner Steinbach draws the cars of the suspension railway in Wuppertal http://www.werner-steinbach.com/wuppertal/wuppertal.html |