Web links - Train Gifs |
The community site of the Train Gif scale - a picture collection and some scenes. http://www.bluarcher.com/traingifs/frograil/ |
Matt Batryn's page with some diesel engines and freight cars http://www.trainweb.org/mattstrains/index.html |
MONON Railroad Site with Train GIf vehicles and scenes from Rick Berg. http://www.mononrr.com |
Ed Bindler's own Train Gif-s - trains, aeroplanes and scenes. http://www.bluarcher.com/traingifs.htm |
Banks of the Susquehanna: Brian Clough's site has Train Gif pictures, MM/Traffic pictures and a JavaScript package to show moving trains on web pages. http://www.banksofthesusquehanna.com |
Ed Burchell's "Reality SCaLED TrainGIFs. http://rstraingifs.tripod.com/ |
Ed Burchell's Train Gif scenes http://realityscaled.tripod.com/start.html |
Tom Carter's RTS Shops - from the Wayback Machine http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.railroadtrainingservices.com/rtsshops/ |
Walker Coe has canadian drawings - mostly Ontario Northland rolling stock - on his site. http://wave.prohosting.com/~walker/ |
Train Gif Railyard - David J. Cooley's site http://www.djcooley.com/ |
Factory Gifs from Chris Dawalt http://www.trainweb.org/indcentral/gifs/gifs.htm |
The Tuolumne & Sierra Foothill Railroad Gifs Page from Jeff Escott http://home.comcast.net/~jfescott/tnsf_gifs.html |
Central California Rails from David Epling http://cencalrails.railfan.net/ |
Ottawa Valley Railfan from Brendan Frisina http://ovrailfan.ca |
Ray Hamm's Katy Central http://rwhamm.tripod.com/katy.html |
http://mtldrm38.bravehost.com/traingifs/tghome.html |
Chicagoland Shortline Train Gifs from Doug Kaniuk http://www.dhke.com/traingif/ |
Dan Klitzing: The Coast Line http://dansdepot.railfan.net/gif.html |
Railway in the Niagara Region from Dan Learn http://niagara.railfan.net/index.html |
European Train Gifs from Sebastian Ledesma http://trenes2000.com/tgifs/gifsindex.html |
Santa Fe Southwestern Railway from Matt Liverani http://inarevil.tripod.com/roundhouse.htm |
Dan MacKellar's Railroad Gif Roundhouse http://www.trainweb.org/rrgifroundhouse/ |
Inside the Roundhouse - Tom McCann has many historical trains and passenger equipment on his site - in a slightly distorted form http://www.trainweb.org/mccann/offer.htm |
Cullen McCormick has removed his train gifs from his site. This link points to the last state on the Wayback Machine with his gifs. http://web.archive.org/web/20030625085018/www.trainweb.org/barr/gifs.html |
Ron Paludan's RailMation with Train Gif scenes. http://www.trainweb.org/railmation/ |
Rahn Pittman's Train Gif Scenes http://hotrain98.tripod.com/ |
Midwest Rails gifs from Erik Rasmussn http://www.trainweb.org/qcrails/mwrails.html |
Midwest Rails - Erik Rasmussen's new Train Gif site http://etgc.tripod.com/ |
Ken's Transit GIFs http://kenstransitgifs.com/index.html |
Some steam engine drawings from Matthew Shawver http://www.gottrains.com/traingifs/index.htm |
Melbourne Freight Terminal - Australian Train GIFs from James Solakidis http://www.trainweb.org/melbfrtterminal/ |
Wisconsin & Southern Railroad vehicles and scenes from Tim Splinter http://www.sorrails.splinterfactions.net/ |
Sandusky Bay Carshop Corporation - Gregg Staley's transportation graphics http://www.trainweb.org/sbcarshops/ |
Amtrak Prototype and Model from Alex Stroshane http://www.trainweb.org/asamtrak911/ |
Cajon Sub Train Gifs from Alfred Woolfolk II http://www.trainweb.org/cajonsubgifs/ |
Northeast Freight Reailroads - Train Gifs from Bryn Zellner http://www.trainweb.org/nefr/ |
Derek Ralf's Train Gifs http://www.oocities.com/kilroyleader/Traingifs/traingifpage.html |
Thomas Burger's Western Railroad Train gifs http://www.oocities.com/tburger666/SP/ |