Web links - Picture collections for MM and Traffic |
Stephan Albrecht draws city and suburban vehicles from Kassel (Göttingen and Wien in work) http://www.bus-tram.de/html/download.html |
Michael Beck draws vehicles from Switzerland http://mitglied.multimania.de/michl_online/ |
Oliver Beretta has swiss, german and austrian maintenance vehicles on his pages http://www.beretta-modelle.ch/ |
Adriano Bosetti draws trams and busses from Milano http://www.gratosnet.it/mmscr/figuremmscr_tutto.html |
Dani Egger-Jetzer's swiss pictures http://www.egger-jetzer.ch/Dani.html |
Danish trains from Mikkel Elling (use Internet Explorer!) http://www.mikkel-elling.dk/MM.htm |
Vicinalbahn.de - Franz Fanger's pages are mainly about photos of seconday lines on lowland, but he has some drawings too. http://www.vizinalbahn.de/ |
Marcus Fey drew vehicles around Solingen http://www.schoner.lokomotive-online.de/index.html |
Jerome Flaherty has some american engines - mostly steam engines - on his site http://www.angelfire.com/home/nvrails/ |
Sebastian Friese has tramways from Berlin on his homepage http://www.sprachgulli.de |
The pages of Stefan Fritzsch are back - you find the german vehicles drawn by himself there http://www.bahnsachse.de/ |
Geoffrey Garitey mostly creates phantasy vehicles based on
Marc Le Gad's french drawings, but he draws real rolling
stock too. http://fictiverailyard.fr |
Gerard Gieleis shows his drawings - mostly two-way vehicles http://members.chello.nl/g.gielis/ |
Philipp Groß draws mainly steam engines, but he has special vehicles and tramways too http://www.eisenbahnfanatiker.de.vu/ |
Peter Hansen draws trams from North-Europe http://www.tramway.dk/ |
Hans-Martin Hebsaker has a download area in his site for pictures in both MM and BahnLand format http://www.hmh-bahnland.de.vu/ |
Daniel Hentschel's vehicles - mostly from eastern part of Germany http://h-transport.pxtr.de/ |
Frank Jacob draws trams and busses from Potsdam, but you can find several narrow gauge vehicles on his site too http://www.schmalspurmodellbahn.de/ |
Stephan Kyrieleis has light rail vehicles on his page http://www.trampage.de/ |
Patrick Kluge http://www.zuglok.de/ |
Stefan Kunzmann draws old, preussian stock - and industrial diesel engines too, among others http://www.mm-schoner.de.vu/ |
Frank Laffin's pictures: http://bahnfrank.pxtr.de/ |
Nikolaus Mohr has free pictures on his site too http://www.nimoweb.de/ |
Juan Mompean draws vehicles from Spain http://www.trenesjuan.com/ |
Drawings from Spain from Juan Carlos Alonso Mostaza http://mikado.herobo.com/ |
Mathias Mösken has some german and swiss vehicles http://br112.tsdb.net/screensaver/screensaver.htm |
Trainspotter's train exchange - Pierre Ofzareck's pages http://www.trainspotters.de/ |
http://home.saaleplatte.de/ |
Lars Pohlmann has a few electric eingines on his site http://www.lars-p.de/ |
Claus Pusch draws spanish, swiss, french and german vehicles: http://www.corpora-romanica.net/mm/ |
Kai Reinhard draws mostly trams and busses around Freiburg, but he has also railway vehicles on his sit http://www.fr-strab.de/ |
Christian Reiter has some preussian vehicles from era I and II on his homepage http://www.cgreiter.de/mm_screensaver.htm |
Diego Romanelli has italian vehicles from several authors on his page http://www.amicitreni.it/disegni.htm |
Claude Samyn draws belgian trams http://home.scarlet.be/~tsd92005/ |
Schoner-Zeichenbrett: "Sandmann" is the Ikarus-bus specialist, but there are also trams and railway vehicles on his homepage, some of them from other authors too. http://www.schoner-zeichenbrett.de.vu/ |
Matthias Schenkel: Railway vehicles from the german speaking area http://www.kirandulas.donaulaender.at/kepek.html |
Matthias Schöck draws vehicles of german private railway companies and some DBAG engines http://www.mmfahrzeuge.de.vu/ |
Giorgio Stagni's italien vehicles http://www.miol.it/stagniweb/ |
Alexander Stannigel specialised to east german vehicles http://root.stannigel.de/asmmhome/ |
Günter Schwindt draws steam engines http://www.guenter-schwindt.de/mm-sreensaver.htm |
Rob Thijs has some drawings from the Netherlands http://www.railtrack.nl/rai%20mm%20screensaver-uk.htm |
Jens Vesterdahl has a few danish steam engines on his page http://damplokomotiver.touchcab.com/ |
Claudio Vianini's italian vehicle sets http://www.claudiovianini.com/ |
Martin Voepel draws trucks, busses, transporter, other road- and railway vehicles, and special guest: Thomas Brian with railway- and road vehicles from Switzerland http://voepelm.de/ |
Vehicles from Netherland and from South-America http://www.sitebyhans.de |
Urs Wittig draws swiss vehicles http://www.wittigbahn.ch/eisenbahnseite/modell/mmrollmaterial/mmuebersicht/mmrollmaterial.htm |
Robert Zirknitzer mostly composes trains from existing drawings for the MM screensaver, but he has some own drawings on his site too http://www.eisenbahn-bilder.com/ |
Kenneth Arnerstedt's pictures http://hem.bredband.net/deppen/mm/ |